Happy 10th Anniversary for Bitcoin! – The Year of the Crash 14. 01. 2019. The last year has seen a lot of bloodshed in the Bitcoin market. After the bubble burst, many predicted the death, or at least the depreciation, of Bitcoin. It seems worthwhile, however, to examine recent events from a different perspective and review the history of the Bitcoin market at its tenth anniversary. Read more about Happy 10th Anniversary for Bitcoin! – The Year of the Crash
Ethereum fundamental analysis 11. 10. 2018. In the case of Bitcoin, in early 2015 I provided a timely reasoning that its decline had most likely come to an end. Can the same reasoning be applied to Ether? Actually, I do think so. Let’s see why. Read more about Ethereum fundamental analysis
BLOOD OATHS ON THE INTERNET - FROM STONE MONEY TO THE SMART CONTRACT 27. 06. 2017. Somewhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean is a tiny tropical group of islands called The Yap Islands. They’ve been inhabited by a native tribe since ancient times, and this remote community provides us with an interesting episode in the history of money: they used money made from limestone, i.e. they paid each other in stone money for centuries. Read more about BLOOD OATHS ON THE INTERNET - FROM STONE MONEY TO THE SMART CONTRACT
ZCASH, THE SECRET MONEY 11. 01. 2017. Bitcoin’s technology is a revolutionary invention because previously the reliable operation of a virtual monetary system without a central institution couldn’t be guaranteed. Bitcoin has proved over the last eight years that this is possible. Despite its innovation, however, it has a number of weak points. Read more about ZCASH, THE SECRET MONEY
PARALLEL UNIVERSES – THE DAO, PART 3 29. 11. 2016. The previous part explained that following the robbery of the decentralized company called The DAO, Ethereum’s blockchain eventually permanently forked. This was not the original intention of the community. Read more about PARALLEL UNIVERSES – THE DAO, PART 3
THE FALL OF A VIRTUAL COMPANY – THE DAO, PART 2 23. 11. 2016. The DAO’s owners were massively shocked on 17 June. An unknown hacker found a loophole in the smart contract regulating the decentralized company and exploited it to steal 3.6 million ether. Read more about THE FALL OF A VIRTUAL COMPANY – THE DAO, PART 2
THE RISE OF A VIRTUAL COMPANY – THE DAO, PART 1 22. 11. 2016. One of the most interesting innovations of the past years has been the creation of the “world computer”, the Ethereum, which enables the signing of smart contracts. By further developing bitcoin’s technology, it creates a virtual interface on which participants who want to do business with each other can enter into contracts. The contracts are then implemented automatically; there are no options for subsequent tricks or manipulation. Read more about THE RISE OF A VIRTUAL COMPANY – THE DAO, PART 1
New instruments 16. 09. 2016. Finally the inadequate set of monetary policy instruments is being talked about at the highest level. Read more about New instruments
Newtonian economics - In motion rather than at rest 09. 09. 2016. According to Aristotelian physics, rest is the natural state of bodies. Their motion requires constant force. This thesis was sustained for two thousand years, which is not surprising since this was the general direct experience. A stone that has rolled away stops and chariots are kept moving by the pulling force of horses. Read more about Newtonian economics - In motion rather than at rest
Virtual Oil – Ethereum Part 3 06. 05. 2016. One and a half years ago, Superblog readers were presented with an investment opportunity that is worth 25 times more today in dollar terms. What is ether? What is the source of its value? How is it better and different than bitcoin? How did we get here and what can we expect for the future? These are the questions I am attempting to answer below. Read more about Virtual Oil – Ethereum Part 3